Monday, April 20, 2009

Picking Up Steam

Spring is in the air & nothing verifies that more than creative energy. Being proactive concerning creating & expanding the business end of this venture translates into results. So to keep the ball rolling, I am starting to sell my paintings through my website. In the next week, I will select a few that are "ready to go"! All transactions will be fed through PayPal & all major credit cards will be accepted. Digitally produced C.O.A.'s will be sent with every purchase & will be able to be verified via They also create a "library" of sorts for you ... so if, say, 2 years from now you are curious about a purchase, you can log in & get that info.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Outside Distractions

One of the biggest challenges as a full-time artist is setting a schedule for working. Every day there are outside distractions, temptations, obligations & things that would never be an issue, if you were on someone else's clock. At a 9 to 5 job, you just can't get up & go to the bank. You have to wait till lunch time, race around like an idiot & hope to make it back on time. Being able to go when you want, at your own pace is great but it has it's drawbacks. Just like being able to take lunch when you want or take a shower when you want. Or if you want ... hahaha! Maintaining a sense of a working environment is hard. Thank God I'm an insomniac ... I get a lot of work done in the wee hours of the morning. So recently I've been thinking a lot about setting an actual schedule for my work. Some days will be for creating, some days for internet, some days for marketing my work to galleries, etc. I think I'm about ready to take that step. If only these damn oil paintings would just dry!

Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm Back!

I'm back on-line after a very trying period thanx to Cablevision & their bad customer service. With that said, I welcome you all to check out my latest ACEO's.